Cron4s provides support out of box for Java 8 Time in its cron4s-core module (even in ScalaJS). The integration is available at cron4s.lib.javatime as many examples in this documentation have already shown. In ScalaJS, there is an additional cron4s.lib.js package which provides integration with JavaScript’s Date object.

Support for other libraries is provided via extension modules as follows:

Joda Time

JVM Only

Integration with Joda Time is possible by including the cron4s-joda module among your dependencies:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.alonsodomin.cron4s" %% "cron4s-joda" % "0.6.1",

  "joda-time" % "joda-time"    % "2.10.6",
  "org.joda"  % "joda-convert" % "2.2.1"

After that, importing the package cron4s.lib.joda should be enough to use your Cron expressions against instances of Joda’s DateTime, LocalDateTime, LocalDate and LocalTime.


JS Only

To be able to use Cron4s with MomentJS you need to include the cron4s-momentjs module among your dependencies:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.github.alonsodomin.cron4s" %%% "cron4s-momentjs" % "0.6.1",

  "ru.pavkin" %%% "scala-js-momentjs" % "0.10.4"

npmDependencies in Compile += ("moment-timezone" -> "0.5.28")

The relevant integration bridge is at package cron4s.lib.momentjs.