Matching Date & Time

To be able to show examples of how to use cron4s, we are going to base them in the brand new Java Time API added to Java 8 as is one of the bests (if not the best) date & time libraries available. To use the built-in support for it we will need the following imports:

import java.time._
import cron4s._
import cron4s.lib.javatime._

Now let’s parse a new expression:

val cron = Cron.unsafeParse("10-35 2,4,6 * * * ?")
// cron: CronExpr = CronExpr(10-35, 2,4,6, *, *, *, ?)

Now we can perform 2 types of matches against any object that extends java.time.Temporal:

val now = LocalDateTime.of(2016, 12, 1, 0, 4, 9)
// now: LocalDateTime = 2016-12-01T00:04:09

// res0: Boolean = false
// res1: Boolean = true

As said before, these two operations are also available at the sub-expression level:

// res2: Boolean = true
// res3: Boolean = true
// res4: Boolean = false
// res5: Boolean = true

allOf will evaluate all the fields of the Cron expression against all the fields of the DateTime object and it will return false if there is any one that does not match the sub-expression corresponding to that field. In the other hand, anyOf will return true if there is at least one field in the Cron expression that matches it corresponding field.

Individual Fields

We can also test if the fields that compound the expression match separately instead of using the whole expression:

// res6: Boolean = false
// res7: Boolean = true